Hmm, has been a while...things are pretty quiet here on el rancho grande!
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In January we ended up with this stray jersey bull calf - it was out on the road late one night, we brought it into the paddock, saw how little it was and started feeding it while asking around to see if it was one of the neighbour's. |
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But no-one claimed 'Calf-calf' aka Freebie so he is still with us, much bigger, and keeps Piri the lamb/hogget ewe company. |
Feb: Ginge and Pippi waiting for Farmer Bri to come home. |
Bess tried to enter the premises via the cat's door - not a success (she is just pretending to be happy about it). |
Pippi and Calfcalf have a chat - we had to keep them separate as the calf kept trying to feed from Pippi and she was not excited about that prospect. |
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A view from the big paddock back to the house. |
April - Bri and Kieran stained the 'new' hen house but we didn't get any more hens until August. |
This year's piggywiggies. |
Rumbles surveying the world outside...the door has been replaced since then. |
Bess, wondering why Rumbles doesn't come out to play. |
We had some snow in June. Some snow. Hardly any really. |
Photo taken from my new camera - long distance, I was in the kitchen! |
Rumbles spent the winter following the sun around the house. |
Kieran turned 11. |
Bri went to the Brass Monkey rally. Wasn't cold. |
Had a gorgeous winter sunrise or two! |
Will have to get a photo of our fat lamb Piri. Brian did walk her along the road (on the dog lead) back in autumn to meet the ram down at Michael Heads' place, and she has been looking fat since coming back for the winter, sign of any lamb. (She still thinks she is a dog actually).
Have got Henny Penny (the hen from school last year who nested in the garden) and her three chicks - but apart from two eggs about six weeks ago, nothing. Brian is convinced the hens are all agoraphobic as he reckons they never leave the coop but I can vouch that they do! Am thinking at least two of the chicks are roosters but they are all getting a free feed at the moments, so will be looking to cull them if no more eggs turn up in the next week.