Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Farmhand S.O.S.

I am most happy to see Jen's resident humans return home from their adventure up in the big smoke known as Auckland and she seems pretty pleased too.

I'm happy because now it means there is someone else hanging around to give me the attention I deserve, or that the nearest available human isn't too exhausted from having to attend to all the stock (as well as painting two bedrooms, gathering and hanging two pairs of new curtains, rearranging furniture, tidying the child-being's wardrobe, mopping up the flooded laundry because the outlet hose came loose) to give me attention.

I thought I would never get fed last night as I watched Jen trying to play tag with the cow (who is lame but can still run quite fast). Pippi the calf didn't have the hang of it...she kept rubbing against Jen but it was Jen who was in and she was hopeless at catching Daisy or Ginge! As for Beefy, he was exhausted from his big walk from the pen back to the shed and seemed a bit overwhelmed by all the activity.

But then Jen made an SOS call to Megan and Richard who were absolutely awesome emergency farmhands who came and helped with the game, and getting Daisy to go into the shed and feed the calves. Daisy was most ungrateful for the little molasses/grain treat that she was offered as a thank you, but this morning and again tonight she gobbled it up. No-one offers me any treats - maybe I should bring them some birds...nah, I'll think I'll sleep on it!

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