Thursday, September 30, 2010

What is going on?

Well, I used to be the supreme four-legged member of the family but suddenly I'm surrounded by all these noisy, demanding creatures and while they do live outside, they are seriously taking my humans' attention away from ME!

Yesterday for example, I thought Jenny was wanting to go exploring with me (I'd had 8 hours sleeping all day on the bed), as she put on her gumboots and headed out to my favourite expedition paddock, but NO! Half way across I realised there was the most enormous four-legged thing I've ever seen - a cow apparently. I decided to retreat to the safety of the fencepost and good thing I did too, after seeing the way that cow butted and bumped those poor wee calves tonight!

It seems she is not at all interested in having to feed the cross-breeds, despite all the advice and efforts that have been put in place, and the old biddy wouldn't even go into the shed to let them drink. So Beefy went out to where she was standing but whenever Beefy tried to have a drink she would kick him or push him over, the grouch.

Can't have that sort of bullying going on around here!

Jenny had to bottle-feed the two calves, who are still quite perky despite not much success with the feeding - Pippi is very friendly and is getting very good at recognising her name, and likes to be patted and rubbed - she will grow into a NICE house cow we hope.

Poor old Daisy has been a dairy one for so long - maybe she will do better to be just a paddock cow? She can just spend her days feeding her own calf seeing as she won't share! Seems to me she should be making the most of having lazy days to lay in the sun, something I specialize in!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Can't work that out - it's not that I've been out farming until then! For some reason my post time must be set wrong, will have to have a look at my settings!
