Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Stocking the Ranch

Well the paddocks are filling up fast. We seem to be the Brad and Angelina of animal adoptions:

On Saturday we took deliver of two 3-week lambs from Leeanne McLeod - named Shadow (because he keeps following the other one) and Cuddles (because he doesn't take the bottle unless he's wedged under an arm or between legs).

On Monday Hugh Diack dropped off three more lambs, two females and one male - they are the trio that have now given us the Famous Five (are known as Timmy, George and Julian - but aren't specifically labelled).

Today we drove to the Hunter's farm and picked up two Jersey-cross calves, a male 'Beefy' (is destined for our freezer) and a female - called Pippi in recognition of the knee-high white socks she has. Both a very nice chocolate colour with white markings.

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