Friday, December 17, 2010

An Update from Rumbles the cat

Hi! Apparently I have a fanclub member - great to have your support Richard! I am quite flattered that you think I write much better blogs than Jenny does; she, on the other hand, has got the pip about that and won't speak to me.

I must apologise for my tardiness in entering any new blogs lately; the weather has been just blissful for us felines and I have been indulging in what we do best...lazing on the bed. It is nothing for me to go to the master bedroom at around 8a.m., having dined on my biscuit brekky, and spend the next 10 hours spread-eagled across the quilt. The whole bed to myself with no humans to unbalance the mattress, rumple the blankets or push me around as they toss and turn.

(Mind you, on a cold night there is nothing better than being able to join them and make the most of the body heat that comes through the blankets. The farts I could do without.

Not much else has happened around here except that the humans are on holiday so are hanging around more often to disturb my routines.

Brian has built some contraption by the garage - something to do with fish that smoke, or smokers who have fish???? Just give me the fish.

He is also making a tower out of concrete blocks - apparently for pizzas - but at the moment it is a great back-scratcher and it soaks up a lot of sunshine heat to release in the evening when I saunter outside for my evening stroll.

Why is that dog inside? This is MY domain?
If I stay still no-one will notice me!
That creature Bess is still scared of me (well, that's what I'll tell anyone that listens). We have a great game of pretend to hate each other going on - I hiss and scratch, while she bounds backwards and forwards pretending to tease me. We actually have an understanding but will not let the humans know that. Jenny found some dog hairs stuck to my claw this morning...she totally fell for the planted evidence and thinks we had a barney again! High Fives Bess!

Kieran chats to Pippi the calf
I overheard them talking about getting the dairy cow into calf. I've been to the vet before and the AI sounds about as pleasant a procedure as having my temperature taken! Kieran was most definite that he was having nothing to do with that farm job when it happens.

Time to go and check out the biscuit situation - must be time soon for a human to get the hint that my plate needs its nightly top-up.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Strange Goings-On - Rumbles again

So anyway, I'm lying in the sun today when I notice the big hairy shadows of those things in the paddock, plus ex-dairy cow and three calves, wandering past my spot.

Somehow the little gate to the backyard had come open and so the beefy beasts have decided to go for a wander! Took themselves down the driveway and headed over the road to make themselves at home in the Fonterra paddock over the road. Must've decided they wanted to walk on short grass for a change of scene!

Beefy and co


Luckily the cows are all keen for a bit of calf meal so they happily trotted after Brian like the piped piper as he lead them back into the big paddock.

Jenny and Brian were not amused but me and the dog think it was hilarious.

Speaking of the dog, she got spayed and microchipped on Saturday (bet she never gets in a stranger's car so quickly ever again after having that happen) but has been licking at the wound in the past couple of days so Jenny took her to the vet and when they came back Bess had a fancy dress neck collar thing on.

Keeps donking it against anything she gets too close too (including people's legs) and can't fit inside her kennel so will have to sleep in the run for a few nights (mind you, she spends most of her nights sleeping out on the grass I've noticed!) She looks like she's trying to get good TV reception and Jenny is worried that if it rains too hard Bess might drown if the collar bucket fills up!

The hens have been too free-range and not laying their eggs in a suitable spot eg their penthouse, so are being shut in until they start paying up again! I guess I should be appreciative of the freedom I have...though no-one seemed impressed with the dead chaffinch I brought them last weekend! If only the shower door had been open, then I could have carried the live bird into the house instead of having to murder it in the shower room. No appreciation around here I tell you - so there was a little blood spatter? nothing a good scrub can't fix!

And fix! Now that Brian has his petrol powered weed trimmer and can cut back the thistles (and cut through water pipes that go to farm troughs) he can spend his time cleaning up the mess he makes.

Which brings us back to mess. Let's hope the pig paddock gate stays shut from now on!